TRIUMF Symposium on FFAGs, 14th April 2004
The symposium will present the accelerator physics of
Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) rings at an
introductory level as preparatory material for their
application to particle physics experiments with muons.1:30 pm "Introduction to scaling
Yoshi Mori, KEK
This talk will cover the basics of classical FFAGs: why these
machines must have reverse bends in addition to normal bends,
what is meant by "scaling" - the geometrical similarity
of orbits at different momenta and the constancy of the
betatron tunes - and what are the differences between
"radial sector" and "spiral sector" machines. FFAG R&D activities in Japan
will be discussed briefly.2:00 pm "Physics Potentials of a Muon Factory and a Neutrino Factory
based on FFAG"
Yoshitaka Kuno, Osaka University
FFAG will open unique opportunity to consider muon and neutrino
factories, where we can expect to have respectively muon and neutrino
beams with high intensity and high quality. Regarding a muon factory,
the PRISM (Phase Rotated Intense Slow Muon source) based on FFAG would
offer the highest brightness muon beams in the world. It allows
experimental searches for lepton flavor violating muon-electron
conversion and also for CP-violating electric dipole moment of the
muon. Further muon acceleration to higher energy with FFAG would offer
a high intensity neutrino beam from muon decays. It is a neutrino
factory, where CP violation in the lepton sector can be searched for.
In my talk, physics motivation of muon and neutrino factories is
presented with emphasis of FFAG. Also possible scenario at J-PARC is
briefly mentioned.
3:00-3:15 break
3:15 pm "FFAGs as components of a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider"
Carol Johnstone, FNAL
Neutrino oscillation experiments and neutrino and collider physics in
general would benefit both from enhanced signal and background control
with a well-collimated, intense neutrino beam generated from the decay
of intense, stored muon beams, as proposed in the context of a Muon
Collider and Neutrino Factory. This work explores the concept and
technical challenges of both machines, with detailed attention to the
Neutrino Factory which serves as a test of the principles underlying the
more advanced Muon Collider. Beam cooling, large-acceptance lattices,
and tranverse motion will be presented at an introductory level. In
particular, this talk introduces the new, fixed field, acceleration
techniques needed for rapid, large-emittance muon acceleration, with
special emphasis on a new "non-scaling" FFAG approach uniquely adaptive
to muon acceleration.
4:00 pm "Bucketless acceleration
in nonscaling FFAGs and sketch of 10 GeV muon and 10 MeV electron rings"
Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF
In conventional machines, path length is related linearly to
momentum; and this allows acceleration inside RF buckets.
In non-scaling FFAGs a new form of acceleration is permitted
that does not rely on buckets; this will be explained in the
context of a 10-20 GeV muon ring. It is proposed to demonstrate
this bucketless acceleration in a 10-20 MeV electron model,
and some parameters of this ring will be presented.
Symposium ends approx 4:30 pm.
last modified:13 April, 2004